Monday, August 6, 2012

Week 10: Northern Michigan University

The second to last week of my internship was chock full of CBORD. I mostly worked on getting the food items cleaned up so MyMenu (aka NetNutrition) looked the best it could. We already have two full menus up, and are working on getting the menus up for the Wildcat Den and the Marketplace. The two menus that are up are cash-ops, and because their menus are significantly smaller, it was a much easier task to get all the nutritional information into CBORD for them.
My desk, AKA where all the CBORD action happens!

One of my final projects will be to decorate a display case advertising MyMenu so we can generate interest in the program as soon as the students return to NMU. This is both exciting and scary. It’s exciting to see all the work of the summer finally coming together, but it makes me nervous to see our deadline fast approaching. I have full confidence that we can get the majority of the menu onto MyMenu by the end of August though!
A preview of MyMenu--such a great feeling to see the menu coming together!

During the week I also was working on pages for the new NMU Dining Website. My last page was the wellness page, which is meant to be a page with many resources that Robin and I deemed credible. I generated a list of local restaurants that serve both gluten-free and vegan entrees, and contacted them to ask permission for us to post their restaurant advertising their specialty menus. All of the restaurants were extremely receptive and welcomed the opportunity for free publicity. One of the restaurants in particular, Rock River Café, sounded particularly delicious and I decided on Friday to visit the small town of Chatham, MI to eat some homemade gluten-free and vegan fare. While in Chatham, I also stumbled upon the county fair! It was a great experience and I wish I would have visited sooner than my last weekend in Marquette.  Unfortunately, since we opted to check out the fair first, Rock River Cafe was closed when we returned for our dinner. It was still a successful trip though! 

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