The summer is going well ,here in New Hampshire. This is the farthest north I have been and it is beautiful. Everywhere I look I can see the mountains and the fresh air cant be beat! Working with SODEXO has been a lot of work so far! My first day here I got to sit in on a managers meeting that reviewed all of the events for summer that dining services will be providing food for. Also, there was a group for summer orientation that was enjoying a cookout. While at the cookout I encountered something I have not seen before .... Veggie Riblets made from carrots and soy. Just by looking ,its hard to tell that thy are not made from meat!
SODEXO Veggie Riblets!
During the first week I got to travel to Vermont to meet with the district Chef and the district Marketing Coordinator at Lyndon State College ( a newly acquired account by SODEXO) to discuss vegetarian menu options and marketing documents for the upcoming school year. I also learned that
SODEXO at PSU was recognized for Environmental
Sustainability by the New Hampshire Lodging and Restaurant Association in being
named Environmental Champion. This is the highest rating on the sustainability
scale to recognize sustainable restaurants in New Hampshire.
Into the second week I started working with Keith ,the director of Catering. There were a lot of lengthy events in catering and a few shorter ones that just required a set up and breaking down. I also worked my first 13hour day this week! It was exhausting! The campus here is much smaller in comparison to my home university ( The University of Cincinnati ,Cincinnati OH) but alot of the buildings were on hills that were not in the same building as the kitchen.A vehicle is used to transport most items needed for the event. The process for getting events ready is hectic! This part of the department is very fast paced until it is time for the guest to eat . When everyone has been served there is a little downtime for the employees to eat and catch a second wind. Here is a picture from one of the catering events I worked.
Desserts and I!
I am looking forward to learning more of the work that management does in between food service hours and events. I do understand the importance of doing each job to know each position and to be able to fill in when needed. This week I am also working on getting the field trips together that I want to visit in the area! I will post a blog about that once I get there!
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