Saturday, June 9, 2012

Week one!

Day 1:
Well today began the best two months of my life!  I am so excited to start getting into our different rotations with our different managers and learn all there is to learn.  We started off at 8 am and had a yummy breakfast at Boulton Dining Hall.  We had omelettes with garlic, spinach, tomatoes, and cheese......our breath may not have been the freshest for all the new managers, but it was delicious!  :]  Kris went over all of the fun paper work and the new UGA handbook, and the fun projects we get to be involved in.  The one I am most excited about is hosting a party for about 300-400 freshmen, the end of July.  We basically get to create the menu, plan the decorations, and well, plan the party of the year!  Should be a great time.  After all of the paperwork well, then we ate breakfast again.  HAHA!  We didn't know we would be eating I swear!! 

The day proceeded with a scavenger hunt with my fellow intern Samantha, it will be a very fun and exciting two months with her.  We used Kris' camera, look further down for amazing pics.  :]  We took some hilarious photos, get excited people. 

After losing five pounds of sweat we met Kris for lunch at Tate Dining Hall.   After lunch we took a tour of some of the facilities.  The most facinating one to me was Chick-fil-a.  It was extremely small and we were told it drums up A LOT of business.  She mentioned that on game days they get about 30-40 people working in an area no bigger than a public restroom.  It was tiny!  Then she showed us how far these people line up for this stuff, it amazed me. 

At 2 we met a lot of the managers we will be shadowing and a lot of the people we are fortunate enough to hang out with.  It was so nice to have a little party, they had a delicious cake (yes, we love food) and some fruit and veggie trays to welcome us kindly.  It was so wonderful!  I love it down here, everyone is so genuine and nice, plus the accents are pretty amazing.  I hope to go home sayin ya'll!!

Tomorrow starts Day 2, I have a feeling these 8 weeks are going to fly.......

I am not going to reveal the answers to the questions here in case Kris does this same scavenger hunt next year!  It was a lot of fun! 

Day 2:
We met Kris at snelling dining hall for breakfast at 8 and enjoyed some coffee and omelettes.  We toured the different dining halls.  I learned a lot about how they get rid of their waste.  It goes through an extractor and a pulper to get the water out and to cut down the volume of waste.  If there is left over food that has not been touched it gets donated to full plate.  I love that all the food that is untouched does not go to waste.  We also learned about the commissary at UGA.  This is a "central" storage/kitchen area for the grab-n-go eateries.  Everyday these little stops make an order and then it gets delivered from this commissary.  If the commissary gets low they order from the distributers.  It is amazing to learn all of the many steps that must be taken to make everything work. 

The first dining we went to was snelling, we then made our way down to summit.  It is the newest of the dining halls and it is beautiful!  They had a smoothie makin station and we all enjoyed one of those.  I love it that we get food the entire day.  Guess that is why we are all in food service, we love food!  The day continued with the tour.  We then went to Red Clay Cafe, it includes Sweet Java Brown's, Tossing Greens, and Between the Bread.  All are very well managed and very delicious.  Of course we got a yummy coffee!  The day was finished with a tour of Athens and shadowing Kylie Mills, a student manager at Boulton.  She taught us about making schedules and managing people. 
It has been a good week, I have learned a lot!  I look forward to next week.

Very yummy pizza spot located on campus!

The amazing Kris! 

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